The intelligence platform for your business

Empower your team

Empower your team to make the right decisions by analyzing information from your transactions with Dyna Drug Corporation. The most relevant and significant metrics are shown prominently so you can quickly get updated.

Enhance your work

Enhance your store operations by using Dynalink to order new stocks or see what was ordered for your store anytime. Whether you use your phone or laptop, you can quickly finish your tasks.

Eliminate the lag

Eliminate the need for complex tools and rely on Dynalink to give you up-to-date information regarding all your arrangements with Dyna Drug Corporation. This platform can be used anytime and anywhere.

We made Dynalink as our commitment to all our customers, suppliers, and stakeholders.

Dynalink is the one-stop shop for all your transactions with Dyna Drug Corporation. Need to order new stocks for your store? Curious to see what products are frequently purchased? You'll get these insights and more by signing up for an account with Dynalink.

Order new stocks and see reports at your convenience

Dynalink can simplify your store operations by giving you one convenient place to order stocks, check reports, and coordinate with Dyna Drug Corporation.

See how your products are performing in the market

Dynalink gives you reliable and up-to-date information about how your products are faring in the market and how much it is being returned.

Get access to important data for sales calls

Dynalink gives you access to the stores that are under your care so you can conveniently see which products they need or which stocks are often returned.

Do you have any questions or concerns? We're here to help.

Our support team is available every weekday from 9 am to 5 pm to assist you. Feel free to get in touch with us by clicking on the button below. It is our pleasure to be of service to you.

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